
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Homemade Brown Sugar & Vanilla Body Scrub

I found the recipe on a blog ( through Pinterest. I was searching for something I could make for my mom and mother-in-law for Mother’s Day. My husband was convinced that his mother would have no idea what this was and would try to bake with it. I wasn’t so sure, thinking every girl knows what body scrub is and we know how to use it. Also knowing with confidence I wouldn’t have to tell my mother what it was.

Here’s how you make it.

Take 2 cups of packed brown sugar and mix with 1 cup of white sugar until there are no clumps.

Add 1 cup of Sunflower Oil and 1 tbsp of vanilla. Mix well. Put into a sealable container.

It looks like a whole lot dry, but shrinks a lot when the oil is added. I bought my containers and scoops (I just bought a single small spoon) from Bed, Bath & Beyond and used a coupon.

Because these were gifts I wanted to make them a little more personal. I recently purchased a Cricut machine and some sticky vinyl. I cut a small piece of the vinyl off the roll and stuck it to the Cricut cutting mat.

Using the Stork’s Delivery cricut cartridge from Creative Memories, I cut out 2 ½” letters of our mother’s first initials. I also found a little embellishment to cut out as well to add a little decoration. I then placed them on the container.

Here’s the close to finished product (I added more the body scrub after this picture was taken). One complete recipe of the body scrub filled one of my containers, so I had to repeat the recipe to make the other gift.

So, when I gave my mother-in-law this gift, she knew exactly what it was no question. I gave my husband that “I told you so” look and we had a good chuckle. I ended up not seeing my mother to give her gift in person, but I left it at her house to open when she got home. A week later she sent me a text message asking what it was. Proving my theory of every girl knowing what it was, false. So funny.

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