
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mustaches for Daddy

store to find something for him. Before we walked into the store I asked the boys, “What would you like to get daddy for his birthday?” Agent J responded quickly and quite seriously, “Mustaches. Because daddy can’t grow one for himself.”

We searched high and low at two different stores for fake mustaches only to find nothing. Then it came to me, “I’m crafty! Let’s make ‘em” So I picked up some black pipe cleaners and elastic. When bubba was down for a nap one afternoon the twins and I sat at the kitchen table laughing hysterically, enjoying being creative together and imagining daddy wearing these ridiculous mustaches!

It was so much fun! If you have boys, then you probably understand the fascination with facial hair. My sons have always been a little over the top with it (at age two they wanted me to draw mustaches on them to go to the store and to see their grandfathers band… we allowed it too! You’re only a kid once!) Here’s what we did- have a great time and enjoy some laughs with your little ones!

·      Scissors
·      Pipe cleaners
·      Elastic string
·      Imagination

·      Manipulate the pipe cleaner(s) into the shape of the mustache you’d like
·      Tie the elastic string around the middle of the mustache in a knot
·      Measure around the wearers head with the elastic and tie another knot in the back
·      Enjoy the ridiculousness of these home made mustaches “because daddy can’t grow one for himself”

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