
Friday, July 27, 2012

Apple Canvas Bag

Apple Canvas bags

What you need:
Canvas bag

I was making gift bags for a birthday party and thought it would such a cute idea to make the bags have double duty. 

So I had an apple that was just over ripe.

 I cut it in half. I mixed green paint with white to lighten it, and green paint with a mixture of purple, red, orange to darken it. You can’t tell in the photos but there are two different color greens on the canvas. I just started on the bottom of the bag, and did every other in light green then dark green. 

I did notice later that the paint had gone though the bag to the inside. It didn’t go though the back, but just inside. So maybe I’d use a plastic bag inside just to make sure next time. Happy crafting!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Easy Home Decor

This is a very easy way to cover some bear wall.

You just need:
4 12x12 pieces of scrapbook paper
4 empty card bottom boxes
12” paper cutter

The box is 7.5” x 5.25”. So I cut the paper down to 11.5” x 9.25” to make sure I had more than enough to fold into the box. On each corner cut out a 2” x 2” square so it looks like this:

Put the box in the middle and fold over all of the edges on the paper around the box. This will help after taping to get everything on the box smoothly.

Next apply the tape to the scrapbook paper. Begin putting the scrapbook paper around the box. Repeat until all of your boxes are covered. Here’s my end product:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Grilled Chicken Nachos

Chicken tenders or breasts- boneless skinless
1 jar of salsa
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 small can of green chilies- drained
1 can of black beans – rinsed and drained
1 package of Mexican shredded cheese
Green onions
Tortilla chips

While the chicken is frozen (in the am) put it in the crockpot. Mix ½ the taco seasoning with ¾ the jar of salsa- pour over the chicken and cook on high for about 5 hours if you’re using chicken breasts (only 2-3 for chicken tenders). Once the chicken is literally falling apart, pour the chilies, beans and remaining taco seasoning into the crockpot. Cover the bottom of a disposable aluminum pan with tortilla chips. Top with chicken mixture, shredded cheese and finely chopped green onions.

Heat the grill, place aluminum foil over the top of your pan, place on the grill for about 10min or until the cheese is melted. Enjoy this super unhealthy but ridiculously tasty dinner! ;)

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Mustaches for Daddy

store to find something for him. Before we walked into the store I asked the boys, “What would you like to get daddy for his birthday?” Agent J responded quickly and quite seriously, “Mustaches. Because daddy can’t grow one for himself.”

We searched high and low at two different stores for fake mustaches only to find nothing. Then it came to me, “I’m crafty! Let’s make ‘em” So I picked up some black pipe cleaners and elastic. When bubba was down for a nap one afternoon the twins and I sat at the kitchen table laughing hysterically, enjoying being creative together and imagining daddy wearing these ridiculous mustaches!

It was so much fun! If you have boys, then you probably understand the fascination with facial hair. My sons have always been a little over the top with it (at age two they wanted me to draw mustaches on them to go to the store and to see their grandfathers band… we allowed it too! You’re only a kid once!) Here’s what we did- have a great time and enjoy some laughs with your little ones!

·      Scissors
·      Pipe cleaners
·      Elastic string
·      Imagination

·      Manipulate the pipe cleaner(s) into the shape of the mustache you’d like
·      Tie the elastic string around the middle of the mustache in a knot
·      Measure around the wearers head with the elastic and tie another knot in the back
·      Enjoy the ridiculousness of these home made mustaches “because daddy can’t grow one for himself”